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Ask Nike to commit to using 100 per cent recycled plastic!

Around 50 per cent of Adidas products are made out of polyester plastic – given the number of shoes and apparel the German giant makes each year, the quantity of plastic that is put into production is huge. However, over the past years, Adidas has tried to fix this issue – and we must commend them for tha...

President Trump Opens Vast Reserve In Alaska For Drilling!

If you followed the global news in the past 24 months, you will be well aware that the US President is a climate change denier and is taking every measure possible to destroy this planet, as well as the legacy of his predecessor, Mr. Obama.The latest attempt to it is to open a huge reserve situated in Alaska to be used...

Waltham Forest Market should stop selling real fur garments immediately!

We hereto ask the councillors of Waltham Forest market to immediately ban the sale of all products made of fur because of the following reasons:- As a result of the Fur Farming Prohibition passed in 2000, all fur farms have been closed in the United Kingdom; but this country still imports products that contain fur from...